8 parts Ongoing The Umbrella's delves into a twisted alternate reality where the once mighty Umbrella Academy members, thought erased from history, are resurrected by a mysterious figure known only as Number Eight (Y/N). This enigmatic sibling, who was erased from the timeline alongside them, holds secrets that could shatter the fragile peace of the restored world. As they awaken in the cold, futuristic corridors of the Inverted Laboratories, stripped of their powers and freedom, the siblings must confront the chilling truth of their existence and the dark force behind their revival. Each step they take leads them deeper into a labyrinth of deception, where old family bonds are tested, and the line between ally and enemy blurs. With their powers suppressed and their past catching up to them, the Umbrella siblings face their greatest challenge yet -surviving a world that no longer has a place for them and unraveling the sinister agenda of the sister they never knew existed. As secrets unfold and tensions rise, one question looms above all: Why have they been brought back, and at what cost?