WARNING:- On the fateful day, January 26, 2024, a malevolent virus began its rampage, infecting the young and snuffing out lives in an instant. But that was just the beginning. Another sinister virus, known as 'died alive,' emerged, casting a shadow of terror. As the clock strikes midnight, heed this dire warning: do not venture outside, keep your windows tightly shut, and find refuge within the confines of your home. Unraveling the truth behind this nightmare, whispers spread of a malevolent force known as 'V Cooperation.' And amidst the chaos, a haunting myth takes shape, claiming that 'The Project 439' was none other than the son of Chairman Mister Jeon.
started:- 10-January, 2024.
slightly Warned:- Violence, gore, curses, Sad? .
Mikhaiah Story
Every Sunday or Saturday update
Kapag hindi busy gagawa na agad ako
Hindi nato magiging wrong grammar
Itama nyoko pag mali grammar ko ah!
"Why don't you just leave her alone?"
- Maloi
"You. Why don't you just leave the world?." - Aiah
"Aiah please stop bothering her"
- Sheena
"The more you try to stop me, the worse it gets." - Aiah
"Please don't bothering mikha again"
- Stacey
"Ohh sorry but i love her." - Aiah
"Why you come back?" - Mikha
"Don't act like a blind mikha lim" - Aiah
"no one can say no me. and i come back to take what's mine" - Aiah