Reaky's Movies is my sophomore album.
- Who is Reaky?
Each letter of the name Reaky represents the first letter of a person's name who inspired me to write at least one song from this simple album.
- Why is the album titled "Reaky's Movies"?
I considered that each song in the album represents a movie , as if you were watching a series of movies starring Reaky, each one telling a different story. But you will come across some advertisements while watching, representing the Interludes here.
- A glimpse of the album's concept:
Reaky is the confused and lost teenager between strength and weakness, but weakness eventually takes over. Each song in the album tells a story or a problem he suffered from mentally.
The album is divided into three sides, with Interludes separating each side.
- The first side begins with the intro "When Will We Arrive?" and the songs in this side narrate his suffering from society and people.
- The second side, which starts with the interlude "Tragedy : Black Comedy" discusses his emotional problems or relationship issues in general.
- The third side, which starts with the interlude "Dopamine Deficiency," contains only one song titled "Flight 17," serving as a conclusion to the album. It shows how Reaky lost everything in his life and became lonely and miserable, ultimately ending up committing suicide.