39 parts Complete The story revolves around the Santiago family, headed by Jose, the patriarch who works as a bank messenger and faces a rivalry at work. He is also a strict parent. Elizabeth is the matriarch and Jose's intended wife and live-in partner. Their love story begins humorously: Jose mistakenly thinks Elizabeth is her twin sister Kylie and elopes with her before realizing his error. The family includes Jerry "Jay", the devoted fourth son; Archie, the manly-faced gay beautician, and youngest sibling; Joshua, the eldest son, and his boyfriend, Winstonjun; Michael, the entrepreneurial middle son, who's in a relationship with his brother Ryneh. Ryneh is involved with his boyfriend Ryan, who lives in the home. Nardito, Jose's grumpy but endearing grandfather, also resides there. Additionally, Katherine, Nardito's housekeeper and partner, and Rachel, Elizabeth's cheerful sister, are part of the household.