Long ago, three tribes coexisted in harmony: Humans, the original inhabitants of Earth; Cantari, a powerful race descended from the first Pureblood Cantari and the wielder of song Magic; and Scepters, enigmatic beings resembling the souls of the dead.
This peace was shattered when human scientists betrayed the trust of the Cantari by creating Artificial Maidens, synthetic beings designed to surpass the original Cantari. This revelation caused a conflict between humans and Cantari, leading to the birth of three distinct colonies: one consisting of both humans and Cantari trying to coexist, another made up only of humans and Artificial Maidens, and a secluded human colony that chose to remain hidden from the war.
The bloodlust of the war slowly withered the holy tree, which had once held each territory connected. Eventually, the tree began to decay completely, causing the earth to become unstable. Both the Cantari and humanity realized their grave mistake, but it was too late to revive the tree. The humans who had joined the war were transformed into homunculi-mindless beings driven only by destruction. The Cantari sacrificed themselves, dividing the world into four parts and isolating the last survivors of humanity and younger Cantari from the homunculi.
Exclaimer : This story is actually a crossover story. I don't own the music/song I used and characters in other series/game except my original characters. This fanfic even though mostly,has the same element as a game named Ar-Tanelico,it doesn't have relationships with its canon characters. Enjoy
Also.. There's gore a bit there and there. I'm not going to explain it that much but yeah.