In the ancient and mystical lands of Eryndor, there dwells Elden Thistledown, a humble tiller of the earth, whose tranquil life is shattered by the malevolent sorcery of a dark wizard. This grievous spell cruelly snatches away his beloved kin, leaving him with naught but their memories and a pendant - a symbol of the enduring bond of family and the legacy they bore.
Thus begins Elden's odyssey, a quest born from the ashes of tragedy. His path winds through realms diverse and wondrous - from the shadowed depths of ancient, whispering forests to the vast, undulating meadows, where the grass sings with the morning dew. His journey brings him into communion with beings as varied as the stars above - the sage Alaric, an enchanter of olden days whose wisdom is as deep as the roots of the mountains, and the reclusive denizens of the Gwathuirim realm, whose secrets are as closely held as the pearls of the deepest sea.
Haunted by the spectres of his lost wife, Lira, and his cherished offspring, Alin and Mira, Elden traverses the land. By his side, a fellowship of dwarves, each bearing their own burdens of grief and tales of valor. These stout-hearted companions reveal to Elden the true extent of the wizard's malevolence, a darkness that weaves its thread through the very fabric of Eryndor.
Their journey is replete with trials and tribulations. They face adversaries and forge alliances unforeseen, and Elden discovers within himself a fortitude unknown.
"Elden" is not merely a chronicle of adventure and loss but a deep, soulful elegy to the enduring human spirit. It is a tale woven with the threads of sorrow and the unbreakable will to seek solace and redemption. Elden's pilgrimage is more than a vendetta against a shadowy foe; it is a journey of the heart, a seeking of tranquility amidst the echoes of laughter now silent and a life once brimming with joy, now cloaked in the shadow of lamentation.
"Could these people bring justice to my home?"
After barely escaping his homeland, (Y/N) wandered the Grand Line, searching for those who could help him right the wrongs he had witnessed. Every step of his journey exposed him to more corruption, injustice, and evil, but it also showed him how wonderful the world could be.
One fateful day, he crossed paths with a peculiar crew of pirates who called themselves the "Straw Hats."
They were unlike any pirates he had ever encountered.
I don't own the characters or the story of One Piece. All rights belong to the owners.