In the vibrant region of Kanto, a sinister force cast its shadow over Ash Ketchum's joyful spirit. Ash, now a loving father to young Lillie, fell victim to the influence of an evil man who sought to manipulate him into becoming a strangely strict dad.
As Lillie innocently embarked on her Pokémon journey, Ash's demeanor darkened with an unexplained strictness. Bizarre rules and peculiar restrictions gripped their once-happy home in Pallet Town. Lillie, now a child, felt the weight of her father's newfound sternness as she set out on her adventure.
Unbeknownst to Lillie, a malevolent figure had cursed Ash, turning him into an unwitting enforcer of strange rules to further their own nefarious agenda. The evil man reveled in the chaos, watching as Ash's warmth and kindness were replaced by an uncharacteristic severity.
One day, as Lillie encountered a mysterious Pokémon, she unwittingly unraveled the sinister plot. The evil man revealed himself, gloating about the curse he had placed upon Ash to serve his dark ambitions. Now, Lillie faced a dual challenge - lifting the curse on her father and putting an end to the villain's wicked schemes.
A suspenseful journey unfolded as Lillie navigated through the Kanto region, battling both Pokémon and the looming darkness that threatened her family. The climactic confrontation at the Indigo Plateau saw Lillie confronting the evil man, breaking the curse that bound Ash.
With the curse lifted, Ash returned to his warm and caring self. Lillie, victorious over the forces of darkness, embraced her restored relationship with her father. The tale of the Shadows of Indigo Plateau became a chilling legend, a cautionary story of the insidious influence that can tarnish even the purest hearts.
Inspired by Game: Weird Strict Dad
The Betrayed Chronicles Arc 1: Betrayal and The Orange Islands [Discontinued]
13 parts Complete
13 parts
Ash has just lost in the Indigo League, due to his Charizard's disobedience. As he and Pikachu are thinking things over by a lake, they are sure in for a nasty surprise. Betrayal. That's what, out of all possible scenarios, Ash never imagined that his own friends and family would betray and even try and kill him.
Now though, Ash must rise above this and prove the traitors wrong, starting with redemption. He heads over to the Orange Islands for sanctuary and to start a new journey, a new start was just what he needed, with new friends, new Pokemon, and mysteries surrounding the Pokemon world.
But at the end of it all, the true adventure has only just begun...
Warning: Foul Language, minor Adult topics, mentions of blood and gore. Not recommended for young children.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.
ATTENTION: This story will not be finished. I am instead turning it into a rewrite of the entire Anime in light of Ash leaving the show as a main character. I don't know if I will be posting it here, since Wattpad can be really annoying to use, but I will be posting it on A03 and Fanfiction.Net. Whenever I actually have the time, since I'm a college student with a busy life.