Summary: "I'm not here to take what's mine, but I'm here because I need you, my dear Beliung," begged Kuputeri towards Taufan. Taufan had to choose to follow Kuputeri and save Windara or stay but Taufan already made out his mind, leaving his brothers. A Light One-Shot
Genres: Hurt-Comfort, Family Love, Angst (not so much)
Disclaimers: I don't own the characters of Boboiboy. Everything belongs to Monsta. AU fanfic. Elemental Siblings not Septuplets. Again, I don't have a good English knowledge so please care about my content instead of my horrible grammar and vocab.
This One-Shot is actually just a light one. This is just something I've been thinking about lately of what if Taufan leaves them but without sucking the power out. Also, there might be some spoilers about the Windara Arc but I assure this fanfic is spoiler free.
Characters: Taufan aka Beliung (Main character), All elemental siblings: Halilintar (1st triplet), Taufan (2nd triplet), Gempa (3rd triplet), Blaze (4th twin), Ais (5th twin), Duri (6th brother) and Solar (7th brother). Kuputeri, Maripos.