Naruto, a beloved hero in his village, has embarked on a new journey of life with Hinata, the love of his life. Despite the trials and tribulations he faced in his past, Naruto holds no regrets and remains optimistic about his future. Hinata, who has always cherished Naruto, supports him through thick and thin and is willing to overcome any obstacles that come their way.
Sasuke, a former member of Naruto's team, has betrayed the love of his life, causing immense pain and suffering. To restore his family's honor, Sasuke marries Sakura, who has always loved him unconditionally. However, Sakura finds it hard to cope with her unrequited love for Sasuke, especially after witnessing Naruto and Hinata's unbreakable bond.
As Naruto rises to become the Hokage, the leader of his village, people begin to question whether his relationship with Hinata will remain as strong as ever. Meanwhile, there are whispers about Sasuke trying to win back Naruto's affection, and whether Sakura will find a way to capture Hinata's heart.
Neji is alive🎉🎉
This story takes place after the war.
This story features Yaoi and Yuri content. If you do not enjoy such content, kindly refrain from reading it.
This is my first time writing a story So, please forgive me for my mistake
Naruto doesn't belong to me (I wish he did)
The pictures are not mine
English is not my first language
So, feel free to correct me