Charlotte's just a teenage girl, long straight dark brown hair, big brown eyes that are always glassy and watery, perfect lips. Skinny, but not super skinny. Her Personality is fun loving! Joyful, immature, funny, crazy, you meet this person and love her instantly! So sarcastic but you love her, and she is, well forever young! Secretly insecure. ya know just a teen right? Nope! not just any girl. Simon Cowell's Niece to be exact. Her parents died in a horrible accident and he was the one to take her in. Now this means the definition of rich, huge house, awesome car, so on. this also means celebs all the way! but uncle Si is way to protective of her so it can be very limited to activities. but she keeps busy hanging with friends, and recording in the built in studio in the house. Uncle Si's always telling her to let him make arrangements to put her in a real studio but shes a wee bit scared of hate. On her 17 birthday, Uncle Si is half way across the world. he leaves a note, presents and a giant cake that she couldn't eat by her self at all, so she calls up all her friends but there busy. she lights the candles and makes a wish..... "I wish I wasn't alone for my birthday, or any day...."
8 parts