In the small town of Brath, a mysterious undercurrent of excitement sweeps through Mrs. Chalfont's two-room schoolhouse, leaving students like Ada Octavio Pard feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity. Gossip about a carnival, magic, the moon, and a wizard pervades the air, leaving Ada yearning for answers.
As she rushes home, Ada discovers a flyer nailed to a tree announcing "Lucius the Enchanter's Magical Extravaganza!" Intrigued, her frustration transforms into unbridled excitement. Ada shares the news with her father, who, after contemplation, agrees to attend the opening night of the enchanting carnival.
On the anticipated night, Ada, accompanied by her father, witnesses mesmerizing illusions and magical feats inside the large canvas tent. The enchanter, Lucius, calls for a volunteer, and to Ada's surprise, she is chosen. Suspended in mid-air, Ada becomes the talk of the town, enjoying a newfound celebrity status among her classmates.
However, the joy turns to horror as Ada mysteriously disappears from her bed that night, leaving only a bloodied cloth behind. The townsfolk, including Ada's father, are left grappling with the eerie events of the magical extravaganza, questioning the thin line between illusion and reality. The tale unfolds, revealing the enchantment's dark consequences, challenging the beliefs of both young and old in a world where magic may still exist, but its cost is unimaginable.