Within the storied walls of Hogwarts, a tale of magic, love, and self-discovery unfolds. "Frost and Shadow" chronicles the journey of two young wizards from the House of Slytherin, bound by fate but divided by uncertainty. As they navigate the hallowed halls, they confront not just the wonders and dangers of magic, but the complexities of their own hearts. Amidst ancient enchantments and modern challenges, they find in each other an unexpected companionship that blossoms into a deep, forbidden love. This is a story of courage and connection, where the chill of fear and the warmth of affection lie in delicate balance, and where true magic lies not in incantations and spells, but in the bravery to embrace one's true self and the risk to love openly. Join them as they discover that the strongest enchantment of all is the bond that grows between them, a force that defies convention and whispers the promise of a future written in the stars.
Horace seems like the only one to look past Enoch's attitude, and no one understands the toll of Horace's nightmares like Enoch does. They seem perfect for each other, right? But neither of them will accept it. Lately, Millard notices their friendship growing and can't stand it any longer. He knows they like each other, but will they realize it on their own, or will he have to step in and bring them together?
(Undergoing Major Editing)