This story is inspired by My living Nightmare by Winternightzz, Its basically a replica of her story but the storyline is very different! The characters names will change and such. A innocent girl, just moved to Germany with her best friend Audrey. Audrey likes going out and adventuring off. The first night, they just settled in. Audrey wants to go out for a 'little' walk. Obviously, she goes with her. They then reach a sketchy street, cars flying by, passed out people and broken bottles on the ground. Audrey, and her get lost in the big crowd, the girl pushes her way out, but when she does, she bumps into a tall hard figure. "Well hello." His thick german accent gave her goosebumps. She looked up at him, a big smirk on his face. His black lip ring glistened in the lights of the cars, and his black cornrows a little frizzy. "Hi." She mumbled. I'm the girl. That girl. In that situation. I was the innocent girl. I'm not innocent anymore. Not after what i've seen and what i've been through. I never wanted any of this to happen. (This story contains explicit scenes, such as, cutting, suicide, suicide attempts, rape, assault, murder, and explicit sex scenes.)