The story unfolds where the hunger of Kuroo Tetsurou that have been suppressed for far so long, have been awakened by the scent of blood from a mere wound from his own finger, a small cut in all. The scent of blood brushed through his nostrils, that urges him to devour and to kill for flesh just to satisfy this insatiable hunger that he haven't felt for almost a century, and Daishou witnessed it all. Now, will he be able to keep this secret hidden or his dearest friends along with his childhood bestfriend slowly unfolds the truth. Will he run away instead of facing them or will he stay to explain it all? Will Daishou shut his mouth over the truth he have gained or he'll use it as an advantage for something else? Will they see him as the same or they'll see him but nothing more than a monster.All Rights Reserved
1 part