30 parts Ongoing In her third year at Hogwarts, Penelope faces the aftermath of a Quidditch accident that destroyed her reputation and love for the sport. The accident has left her needing to conceal her true identity by masquerading as a male student outside school hours.
So far everything is fine, until one day a new problem comes: acne.
When fifth year Sacharissa promises to help she doesn't think twice and accepts to get the Bubotuber pus for her lotion.
Everything is ready, while the plants were growing in the greenhouse, Penelope carefully outlined her plan hoping she wouldn't get caught.
Little does she know, a fellow student has their eyes on the same ingredients and their meeting leads to a whirlwind of troubles, crossdressing shenanigans and unexpected alliances.
Cover gently made by Annariel :3
Please read her work too ;)