"Wise Postulations of Existence for the Damned" is a contemplative and vividly expressed poem that explores various aspects of life and existence, with a focus on struggles and challenges.
The poem touches on themes like solitude and self-authentication, the process of individuation, and the consequences of ill-considered actions. It delves into the impact of entropy on the atmosphere and the resistance faced by the biosphere.
Throughout the poem, there's a sense of humor and wordplay, with rhymes and alliterations contributing to the poetic flow. It references beached whales, warehouse sales, and artistic contemplations.
The poet reflects on conversations, invocations, and intonations that influence human experiences. It discusses environmental disproportions and extortions, critiquing the actions of the criminally uncouth.
There are postulations about the roles of wives and reflections on living one's life. The poem also mentions geographic formations and the urgency to integrate what is vital for wisdom.
Overall, "Wise Postulations of Existence for the Damned" presents a mix of contemplation, critique, and humor. It encourages readers to reflect on their own existence, challenges societal norms, and underscores the importance of recognizing what truly matters in life.