Story of EKANSH and his QUEEN Rajputana's ideal queen and king, who are admired for their excellent fulfillment of all their duties. They receive a ton of love from friends and family, but what about their actual marriage? Even after three years of marriage, she was never his top concern. Does he even give her any thought anymore? Is there anything at all that he feels for her? When will the hire of the Rajputana Empire begin? Who will respond to all of these queries of her? Her heart has still not stopped waiting for his one glance of love. She keeps herself busy in his political world but somewhere there is still a soul who is not waiting for the King of rajputana but her own husband Ansh. Who she gave her heart to and is madly in love with. Will her wait ever be over and his heart ever be her? *This story will have matured scenes so read it on your own risk*