This is a story of a group of nine teenage friends who involve themselves in situations about sex, romance, drama and even rape, until one, Seiji, then betrays the group and are now eight teenage friends to this day. Find out more in this teen book (yes, this book at aimed at a youth audience). Please read all chapters (plus introduction) with caution.
This story contains:
Sexual content
Foul language (Swearing, basically)
Graphic content/Violence
Terms of death, agony and heartbreak
Drug and alcohol use
Ami is a young former graduate at Seishun Gakuen, a famous academy in Tokyo, Japan. She has a group of friends who support her and comfort her when she's struggling with problems, and meets Daiki, another young former graduate from the same school. The now eight young schoolmates form a group chat and they all graduate together, leading Ami and Daiki to have a first date in celebration of the graduation ceremony. Soon enough, their relationship becomes stable and more intimate than the first few months. Once again, find out in this teen-oriented story. And like I said, Seiji betrays the group in this story, so it is now eight friends instead of originally nine.
Things happen at parties. But sometimes, these things can have consequences that last a lifetime. Rated M for various thing that you will be warned about in the beginning of each chapter. Main character death. THERE ARE NO REAL PAIRINGS THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE IT'S A TRAGEDY SO NO TROLLING. :D
Literally posting from FFN/Ao3 exactly as is. This is another old fic. I think I was 16-17 when I wrote it (I'm 22 for reference). It got a lot of shit on ffn but just to be clear, again, there is main character death, unrequited love and no pairings. PLease read the tags, I'm not interested in hearing you complain just because you went into this unprepared.