This is a collection of love poems: but more like my love journey with my significant other. The poems I wrote for him, the memories we shared and the lessons we've learnt. The growth, the moments, the emotions; all packed together.
Why did I write this?
I wanna be a writer. That's one.
I wanna be able to read it when I grow old. I don't want to read just a romance novel or biography that other famous authors wrote. But mine. So that when me and my significant other are 60 and in bed together, I could hold his hands, read the lines where I first met him and fell in love and tell each other that we've found our happily ever after.
I wanted to make my own fairytale.
When you read it, you'll see that it's mostly written in my perspective: for him. That's why I named it "Letters."
2022 is when I met him. That's why I named it "Letters from 2022."
You'll find 3 chapters.
Our beginning, our honeymoon phase as a couple, and then us continuing our love as best friends and partners in crime. The poems will include ones from 2023, ... till I finish this book. So I'll add more. But I think "from 2022" makes sense a lot. That's where we begin after all.