When you submit your application, it usually goes straight into an ATS database. But first you might see some knockout questions. Knockout questions can be in the style of checkboxes or short answer questions. If you answer any of the knockout questions unsatisfactorily, your resume will either be flagged or automatically rejected by the ATS. Examples of knock-out questions: Are you willing to relocate? Are you willing to travel as part of this job? Are you willing to work full-time? Do you have X years of experience? Do you have a [specific degree or certification] required for this position? After presenting you with knockout questions, the ATS scans your resume and parses it. This involves sifting through your information and converting it into a structured format. This information is stored in the ATS tracking database. When recruiters want to find suitable job candidates, all they have to do is search through the database for them. the graphic that shows an applicant tracking system parsing information from a resume How do hiring managers use ATS to find candidates? Hiring managers use keywords to find suitable job candidates in the ATS database. A keyword can be a single word or a phrase. Most keywords are job titles or skills. For example, if a hiring manager is searching for a dental assistant, they might type the keyword "dental assistant" into the ATS search bar. Hiring managers can also type in multiple terms. For example, "dental assistant" might be combined with "X-ray certification" and "patient care." Resumes that contain all three keywords will appear to the hiring manager. Resumes that don't contain all three keywords will remain hidden in the ATS database. https://atsmantra.comAll Rights Reserved