The battle had reached its climax in the World of Remnant... and Jaune Arc fell - among many others.
He was among the remaining few standing in the last stand against Salem's forces to get the people of Mantle evacuated to Vacuo.
And one by one, they all fell down - to the Void.
In his plummet to the vast nothingness that encompassed around him, the blonde's existence collided against another - a being who bore genius in the field of science, and was a being who, too, was plucked away from their world as they fell into the abyss of void and darkness.
This man, was none other than W.D. Gaster - the Royal Scientist of Monsterkind.
He was hard at work at creating his machinations with a drive that had him seek out means to bring improvement to the life Monsters had in the Underground ever since the Human-Monster War that spanned several thousands of years ago.
A war born out of fear for what Monsterkind was capable of by the humans that struck down upon them.
But fate struck its hand, and the good doctor fell upon his own creation; the CORE - and as a result, was scattered upon existence.
Thus leading his very being to both exist, and at the same time, not exist.
But even fate does not dictate the outcomes of the ones they strike down upon - as the moment Jaune and Gaster were cast out into the Void; their existences clashed in a collision that merged both beings together - leading to a new Timeline being made.
And thus starts the story anew - where the two beings of two different worlds come unto one form, bearing the name of the man whose memory was a fleeting remnant of the people he has striven to improve the lives of.
This is the story of the man once known as Jaune Arc - who has now taken up the new identity fate has bestowed upon him; as W.D. Gaster, the Man Who Speaks In Hands...
...and soon, the Hero of Two Worlds.
Warning: contains elements from other fanworks, like Glitchtale and The Thought - alongside the main Undertale material.