Delilah is a 28 year old anti-social shut-in writer who took a 6 month break from writing when her novel shot to number 5 on the New York Times best sellers list her style of writing is sort of like Stephen Kings style Stephen King is also her inspiration she also inspires to be a writer as wonderful as he is one day Run run as fast as you can never let them get you the the stained clothes in my backpack I have to dispose of them the smell of bleach somehow still lingering in the air even though we're in a completely different place both physically and mentally two buses one taxi and some hair dye and now here we are the place where I was always meant to be where we were always meant to be the nearly freezing mid-september air hitting my face shivering slightly not used to weather like this i picked up the warmest clothes I possibly could have at the local thrift store gripping her hand in mine as we walked across the street into a better life and a new chance start over in a different city but it seems like a completely different planet Three cups of coffee and half of a nervous breakdown later I finally finished the novel I've been working on for the last few months I've been in sort of a slump I've had the story and the plot but I haven't had the ambition to just sit down and write