In a world scarred by decades of relentless warfare and nuclear devastation, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. As the once-vibrant Earth gradually becomes uninhabitable, the powerful and affluent AFTER Corporation seizes control, constructing an exclusive underground sanctuary for the elite. This decision plunges the remaining population into despair, as insurgent groups rise up in futile resistance against their oppressive rulers. Exploiting their territorial dominance, AFTER Corporation subjects the impoverished masses to exorbitant taxes and ceaseless labor.
In the face of escalating oppression, the town of Donderburg is left with no alternative but to abandon their homes. Seeking solace and safety, they embark on a perilous journey to the enigmatic Sacred Cave of Alberta, unaware of its true nature. To their astonishment, the cavernous depths of the cave offer them an unexpected lifeline-an entrance to a new, fantastical world brimming with the promise of peace and renewal.
However, appearances can be deceiving. As the inhabitants of Donderburg venture into this uncharted realm, they soon discover that their newfound haven is not without its own conflicts and challenges. Amidst the wonders and dangers of their new reality, they must navigate treacherous landscapes, unravel mysteries, and confront the fragile balance of power that exists within their newfound sanctuary.
Will the people of Donderburg find the peace they yearn for, or will they be thrust into a world filled with its own turmoil and strife? In this captivating tale, follow the journey of a resilient community as they strive to forge a fresh existence in an extraordinary realm, where the boundaries of possibility are redefined and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.