Meet Lauren Swift, your ordinary college student whose life revolves around studying. She remained a wallflower until she stumbled upon a strange website which exchanged her body with that of Danielle Rose’s – the sole daughter of the 5th wealthiest man in the world.
Excitement and even romance ensues as Lauren steps into Danielle’s tiny flats. Being a rich young lady does have its perks, especially when your bodyguard is an extremely hot guy, Jaydon Renner, someone completely irresistible! However, Lauren was unaware that she had to trade in her memories when she switched bodies with Danielle as part of the deal. But what if Lauren’s memories of living as Danielle were too precious for her to forget?
They say that that there’s a reason for everything that happens so why did this happen to Lauren. Was this merely God’s prank or was it intentional? Read on to find out!