Etílis, a woman shrouded in mystery, finds herself entwined with the notorious Van der Linde gang. Haunted by a dark past and embroiled in an escalating feud with the O'Driscolls, Etílis fights not just for survival, but for redemption. She is a fiery gunslinger, one of the most wanted Outlaws of the state. Fighting alongside the gang, she meets Arthur who wins her heart amidst the chaos, making him, and her, question their morals and loyalty to what they believe in. As the gang faces the relentless pursuit of the Pinkertons, her resolve is tested. Amidst the chaos, she is determined to save her newfound family from their inevitable downfall. But with danger lurking at every turn, can she change their fated end, or will her own demons be her undoing?
A former saloon girl and a US marshal with a dark past meet one fateful night, sparking a series of events that will change the course of their lives forever. Will she find the life she is looking for? Will he have redemption for his past? Do they have what it takes to face the fast approaching modern world and the dangers of the Wild West?
Historical Fiction of the years 1898 and 1899. The end of the American Wild West and the modern industrial era.
All mention of Red Dead Redemption 2 story, characters, and rights belong to Rockstar Games.