Embark on an epic journey through the war-torn land of Calradia, where six kingdoms clash for supremacy while an impending supernatural threat looms on the horizon. In "Calradia: War of Realms," witness the emergence of King Harlaus, the oldest ruler, as he calls for a Timeule meeting to unite the fractured realms against celestial and infernal forces. As alliances form and tempers flare, the mysterious King Bacon Hatmat II and his Elite Squadron, each wielding elemental powers, become the beacon of hope in the face of impending doom. The first war unfolds in a grand clash between mortals and supernatural entities, leading to a hard-fought victory. Yet, as the dust settles, a new threat emerges, prompting the creation of the Kingdom of Conquerors. The narrative crescendos into the final battle, a dramatic confrontation between the Unseen Legion and King Bacon Hatmat II, testing the limits of magic, might, and resilience. With the fate of Calradia hanging in the balance, the story concludes with a legacy of heroes, a new era of cooperation, and the promise of future adventures. "Calradia: War of Realms" is a tale of courage, unity, and the enduring spirit of a realm facing the shadows of celestial and infernal threats.
The Land of the Rising Sun Transfers to Another World
129 parts Ongoing
129 parts
In 2045, Japan is suddenly transported to another world. With the Self-Defense Forces having become an official national defense organization due to constitutional amendments, how will the Japanese government act toward this other world? Where will Japan's future lead...?
RELEASE: 2016 (HIATUS IN 2022)