This story revolves around three best friends. Alia; the beauty queen, Stephinie; the tomboy and Ria the directioner. These young fourteen year old girls decide to make a pact to for a world tour and visit their idols-Robert Pattinson, Lionel Messi and One Direction right after they turn ninteen.
How were they going to meet them? They had no clue, but all they knew was that they were going to; One way or another. But will three girls, of such different choices in life manage to remain best friends? Will the tour break apart their ideologies about their best friends choices? Join Ria, Alia and Stephinie to experience love, friendship, care, trust, hatred, revenge and jealousy in I'll Be There For You.
When your lifetime enemy is Love, you learn to not love anyone. But when you decide to give Love a chance to slip in, to get under your skin, it becomes dangerous.
Alli and her two best friends, Pandora and Jamie, are on vacation in Seattle. What they'll do? Hang out, spend time together, and all around just have fun. Their main goal? Go see...ugh...One Direction in concert. Alli's unsure if she should even be there with her friends until they meet three oddly familiar boys. Then she has to make a tough decision: let Love in and risk getting hurt, or keep running from her enemy and never be hurt again. So when Alli decides to risk it all and gives one of those boys a chance, she realizes that she got much more than she had bargained for.