"War Craft" is a thrilling superhero love novel that follows the story of two friends, Jack Matthew and Jeremy Stock, who both fall in love with the same woman, Lucy. However, Jack ultimately marries Lucy, leaving Jeremy feeling bitter and jealous. Their friendship is tested as Jeremy's jealousy leads to a heated argument, during which they are both exposed to the chemicals emitted by Jeremy's factories. This exposure grants them both strange and powerful abilities. As the story unfolds, Jeremy's bitterness and desire for vengeance drive him to use his newfound abilities to seek retribution against Jack and win Lucy's affections. Meanwhile, Jack must navigate the challenges of his marriage and his own developing powers, all while trying to protect Lucy from the danger that Jeremy poses. "War Craft" is a gripping tale of love, friendship, and the consequences of power, as Jack and Jeremy's abilities propel them into a conflict that will test their loyalties and the strength of their relationships.
4 parts