Felina, notorious for her party lifestyle, was banished by her parents to a remote part of San Martin, struggling with the sudden lack of social life. Her path then crossed with Edelweiss, a time fairy, who cursed her for her disrespect towards the locals, forcing her to relive her past to learn a vital lesson. In her previous life, Felina was a cherished princess, loved for her kindness and beauty, and deeply in love with Sedino, a brave and charming general. Despite trying to resist her feelings for Sedino upon reliving her life, Felina found herself falling even deeper, striving to alter the past to save him. However, her attempts only led to further conflicts, intensifying her determination to avoid their tragic end. The story leaves us wondering if Felina and Sedino can overcome these challenges or if history is doomed to repeat itself.
Still aching from her internet ex-boyfriend's scam, Tamitha finds herself in deep trouble when she meets Roosevelt Sanvictores, the man in the photos her ex pretended to be. She knows that he's off-limits, but when circumstances keep bringing them together, maybe fate's got other plans.
After getting drunk from a stupid mistake, Swan Tamitha Dominica wakes up in a room that's not hers, stark naked. As she tries to move forward from the humiliating one-night stand, she comes face-to-face with the man whose photo her internet boyfriend used to scam her. The man is Roosevelt Sanvictores, a handsome billionaire and it's not difficult to like him--only if he's not off limits. Determined not to fall for him, Tamitha puts up her walls. But when her heart screams to tear her walls down and she discovers the past she shared with Roosevelt, will she finally listen to her heart?
Disclaimer: This story is written in Taglish.