The story follows Macy, a young woman with anxiety, who attends dirt track races in Lexington, Nebraska, where her adopted father races in Sport Mods. At the races, Macy meets Andy, a 15-year-old racing in Hobby Stock. Despite her shyness, Macy pushes through her anxiety and strikes up a conversation with Andy, leading to a strong and supportive relationship. Over time, their bond deepens, with Macy supporting Andy at races and the two sharing daily conversations. Their relationship grows as Macy admits to liking Andy for his kindness and their shared moments, like when Macy impresses Andy by changing all four tires on a race car in record time. A year into their relationship, Macy and Andy are excited to become parents. While Macy is eight months pregnant, she still helps with a flat tire on Andy's car, but Andy insists she rest, and she becomes his good luck charm for the race. However, Macy is soon faced with a crisis as her father is seriously injured in a race crash. Macy's father undergoes surgery for his injuries and faces the possibility of never walking again. Meanwhile, Andy wins the final race of the season and proposes to Macy in front of the crowd, with Macy happily accepting. Andy, while passionate about racing, is considering stepping away from the sport to focus on growing their family. The story ends on a hopeful note, with the family overcoming obstacles and looking forward to a bright future together.