In "I HAD TO KEEP DREAMING," we follow the inspiring story of Bintu, a young woman with a fervent passion for theatre and the arts. Despite facing skepticism from her peers and doubts from her own family, Bintu remains steadfast in her pursuit of bringing the magic of theatre to her community.
Throughout the story, we witness Bintu's journey of self-discovery and resilience as she navigates the challenges of organizing a festival that celebrates diversity, creativity, and the power of storytelling. Along the way, Bintu's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wakaria, learn to embrace their daughter's dreams, realizing the profound impact her passion has on their community.
Through heartfelt speeches, lively town hall meetings, and vibrant festival celebrations, "I HAD TO KEEP DREAMING" highlights the transformative power of the arts in bringing people together, but as well how keeping dreaming despite the world telling you that your dream isn't worth dreaming, should never affect you even if you know nothing about how to realize it.
You have to keep dreaming.