In the bustling corridors of Lyonver High School, a new student named Lya finds herself entangled in a complex web of relationships and emotions. As she navigates her way through the challenges of high school life, she becomes the target of bullying by the popular and influential students, Xiao and Yura. Unbeknownst to Lya, Xiao harbors hidden feelings for her, leading to a tumultuous dynamic between the two. In a twist of events, Liam, who has a secret crush on Lya, emerges as her protector, shielding her from the torment of the bullies. As the story unfolds, Xiao's jealousy and Yura's unrequited love for Xiao add layers of complexity to the narrative. Ultimately, the story reaches a satisfying conclusion, with Lya finding happiness and love with.....?..
Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language and situation intended for mature readers only.
So basically this story is not for everyone, this is R18!! if you're 17 below, please find another story because this is not suitable for you.