When Y/n was alive, she lived wither her Mama and Papa(Alastor), she loved them very much. Alastor would bring Y/n onto his radio shows to sing, and Y/n loved it. As time went on, Y/n noticed her parents were arguing about something she couldn't understand. One day, Y/n was 6, she heard her mom scream, and peeked into her parents room, seeing her Papa killing her with a sadistic smile. Y/n made a noise, and quickly made it back to her room so Papa wouldn't hurt her to. She heard the back door open and shut, knowing it was her Papa carrying her Mama's body away. She called the police, and they chased after Alastor with their dogs, and he died.
Y/n had to live in an orphanage, where she was bullied and abused. She was 16 when she died from the abuse. Ended up in Heaven, made friends with an angel named Vaggie, disappeared years later, and doesn't know why. Adam and Lutere A-holes in her opinion.
Y/n loved to sing, and a lot of other people in Heaven loved her for it, but someone was jealous, so she framed Y/n for attempted murder, and Y/n fell into Hell.
Long story short, she met Vaggie again, and Charlie, knew her Papa is the radio demon when she first arrived in Hell. Decides to help Charlie and Vaggie with the hotel to rehabilitate sinners, like Angel Dust. Freaks out when Alastor appears to "help" with the hotel. (Also knows Vaggie is the same Vaggie from, Vaggie just tells her that she doesn't want Charlie to know.)
And the rest follows along the shows plot.
(P.S, I don't not own the title picture, what you see as the title picture, is was I edited)
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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