The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Original)
27 parts Complete 18-year-old orphan Riley was just waiting for a bus home from work that night. She never saw it coming. The dark shadow just appeared and pulled her away from the dimly lit bench, and along with it pulled her away from the life she once knew. It all began with a bite. The dark shadow, Dom, changed Riley forever that night. All that Riley knew was that a handsome stranger had bitten her on the wrist and kidnapped her. Riley was destined to be the mate of Dom and to serve as the Omega female in the United States werecat leap. Everything started off well, she met new people, she had a boyfriend, she discovered her affinities and she learned to be a panther. Everything was great until the WANTED posters started showing up. On a quest to visit her aunt and brother and explain what had happened, Riley and her new found friends hit unexpected road blocks that just might lose their place in the leap and possibly even lose their lives.