This takes place in "New Moon" it might stretch out further, I'm not sure yet. Embry has already shifted. I own nothing "Twilight" related. I only own the plotline of this story alone and any characters you don't recognize as a "Twilight" character, Otherwise Credit is given to Stephanie Myer. This is a fanfiction written purely for entertainment purposes because I was bored. The Cullen's probably won't be in the story much as their not the focus, Obviously Bella will make her appearances but there's probably gonna be some Bella bashing, I haven't decided yet but if not it's because I changed just about everything about her I love Stephanie's work and her characters but I feel like she fell a little short creating Bella though I like her in breaking dawn pt2 it's just a little too late to do much there for my dislike toward her. I'll probably change the actress too because as much as I love Kristen Stewart her heart was not in it and it shows so she didn't do much for the character she played which I feel might be where my distaste for her lies as I never actually got the chance to read the books(they belonged to my sister) so please if I don't have correct facts from the books that's why no hate plz, I apologize in advance! But I feel like this way there's a lot of wiggle room so I can really make it my own! This story is about Embry's little (half) sister Koda she's 14, Paul imprinted on her after he shifted, this starts sometime after Embry shifted but I'll go into the past so we can see how life was before so it'll be kinda like flashbacks I guess in a way? Also I have a half sister in real life and I hate it when people say half before it especially if they grew up together so half won't be thrown out there often just a few times to remind y'all they only share one parent but it doesn't sit right with me to say half sibling as I find it disrespectful. If we share a parent we're siblings! Even if someone is adopted your still siblings in my opinion.All Rights Reserved