At the age of 10, Jaune Arc's ordinary life took an extraordinary turn during a trip with his wise and adventurous grandpa, Max. Exploring the outskirts of a distant village, Jaune stumbled upon a mysterious device-the Omnitrix. To his surprise, activating the Omnitrix required a precise combination of pressing the button and turning the dial. When Jaune executed the sequence, he transformed into the formidable Diamondhead, a crystalline alien with incredible powers.
Guided by Grandpa Max, Jaune embraced his newfound abilities, using Diamondhead's strength and durability to navigate the challenges of their journey. The duo encountered Grimm, mysterious creatures, and even a few otherworldly adversaries sent by the formidable Vilgax, a powerful intergalactic warlord with his sights set on the Omnitrix.
As Jaune cycled through various alien forms, from Heatblast's fiery might to XLR8's incredible speed, the battles against Vilgax's minions grew more intense. Grandpa Max, a seasoned huntsman with vast experience, stood by Jaune's side, offering guidance and wisdom.
However, tragedy struck when Vilgax escalated his pursuit, leading to a confrontation that claimed the life of Grandpa Max. Devastated by the loss, Jaune faced a decision. The Omnitrix, once a source of empowerment, became a painful reminder of the cost of its power.
In a moment of sorrow, Jaune removed the Omnitrix, and for the next five years, he retreated from the life of a hero. The battles and the loss of Grandpa Max left him scarred, and Jaune chose to live a more ordinary life.
After the five-year hiatus, Jaune received an unexpected note. Professor Ozpin, aware of Jaune's past and his capabilities, reached out, inviting him to become a huntsman at his academy. The note hinted at knowledge that only someone intimately familiar with the events of Jaune's past could possess. It's time for a hero to make his return
π Original Novel
___ By Umera Ahmed
Translation Of Peer-E-Kamil In English
Translate By Me, Hope You Guy's Like It
Please Ignore Mistakes
All Credit To Umera Ahmed
Publish:- 01/07/2024
Complete:- 31/10/2024