!Do not read if your triggerd by any of the TWs. Its necessary for the storryline!(They are not at the beginning of every chapter) Sapnap is a bully who ever gets in his way gets a punch. He is in a popular friend group and everyone is afraid. Thats how all students and teachers at high school see him. No one knows how often he had been sitting in his room hiding from the person that he should can trust. Okay not "no one", Dream his best friend knows, but when Dreams onlinefriend, George, starts to go to college in the same town, they drift away more and more. He has lost his hope, death seams like the only way out. Until Dream introduces him to Georges friend Karl. Cover Fanart by DEVECTIVE-ARIBOT TWs -bullying -selfharm -ED -abuse -suicide attemptTodos los derechos reservados
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