The story revolves around Emily, a young woman living in the secluded town of Whispering Pines in the 1980s, who falls in love with Bell, a mysterious stranger. Despite warnings and suspicion from the townsfolk, Emily and Bell's love deepens amidst the backdrop of the eerie woods surrounding the town. However, their forbidden romance unleashes dark forces that threaten their lives and the town itself. As they confront ancient evils and uncover buried secrets, Emily and Bell must fight for their love and survival against malevolent entities that seek to consume them. It's a tale of forbidden love, supernatural intrigue, and the struggle against darkness that grips the tranquil community of Whispering Pines.
Gwen, desperate to feel something, kills someone. But she quickly learns that one kill is never enough. Can Gwen stop before she turns on her own family?
It was just an experiment. Simply kill one person to see what it felt like. See beauty in the moment of death. See if it filled the void within her. It didn't. Nor did it the next time. Or the next. Gwen is an ordinary person. Wife to Amanda. Mother to Grace and Alexandra. Suddenly, she is no longer ordinary as she finds herself battling her urges and demons before she hurts those closest to her. But is it already too late?
A multiple Wattpad Featured Story
#1 in Fiction
#1 in Homicide
#1 in Killing
#1 in Scary
#1 in Serial Killer
#1 in Terror
#1 in Death
#1 in Murderer
#1 in Creepy
#1 in Adult
#6 in LGBTQ
#1 in girlxgirl