In the aftermath of the Titans' defeat, humanity has begun to rebuild and reclaim the world that was once lost to them. The original heroes, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and others, have now grown older, their tales of bravery and sacrifice becoming legends told to inspire the younger generation.
The second generation of "Attack on Titan" focuses on the children of these heroes. Eren and Mikasa's daughter, Erika, is a headstrong and fearless young woman who has inherited her father's determination and her mother's combat skills. Armin's son, Atlas, is a strategic genius, much like his father, but also possesses a curious and adventurous spirit.
This new generation has grown up in a world free from the immediate threat of Titans, but the peace is short-lived. A new threat emerges, not from Titans, but from humans who seek to use the power of the Titans for their own gain. The second generation must rise to the occasion, using their parents' teachings and their own unique skills to fight for humanity's freedom once again.
There would be new alliances, new betrayals, and epic battles, all set against the backdrop of a world that is still healing from the scars of the past. The second generation would have to navigate this complex world, carrying the hopes and dreams of their parents as they strive to create a better future.
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Brynn Kingslee has spent a third of her life protecting herself from her stepfather as fiercely as a twelve year old can.
Only to find, after his death, she has seven fiercely protective older brothers who didn't realise that not only would they be protecting her from their work, but also protecting her from her past, too.