In the depths of the Hollow Earth, SpaceGodzilla-known as Zo-zla-halawa, the Monster Who Ate a Star-roams as a being of cosmic might, feared for his unnatural powers and the crystalline corruption he spreads.
Despite his destructive aura, he shares an unbreakable bond with Godzilla, the Queen of the Monsters.
To the world, they are best friends, always seen side by side: SpaceGodzilla soaring above, his cosmic energy lighting the skies, while Godzilla patrols the oceans with her mighty presence.
Some Kaiju even call them siblings, bound by an enigmatic connection.
But beneath the surface, there is a secret that Godzilla has kept hidden.
The mighty Titaness harbors a deep affection for SpaceGodzilla-her protector, her rival, and the only being who understands the loneliness of their kind.
As tensions rise among the Titans, threatening their fragile alliances, Godzilla struggles to reconcile her feelings while navigating the chaos of the world around them.
Can the Queen of the Monsters reveal her heart to the Crystal King, or will their bond remain a mystery, lost among the stars?
This is a tale of love, loyalty, and the challenges of finding harmony in a world where power reigns supreme and the line between friendship and something more becomes increasingly blurred.
Inspired by Ricks999 story
"Izuku Yagi:Inovator"
After being rejected by his former idol and saying "He doesn't have what it takes to be a Hero", Izuku was having enough
Using his bright mind, he built himself powers and to defend himself
Izuku Yagi died and Nine Midoriya was born
With The Power of Science, he'll make everyone pay for everything they did to him