Long-Fic on Will Byers (and others) from Stranger Things (S1-S4 & S5 invented by me)
Missing moments from the series and moments invented by me to deepen this beautiful character.
!!BYLER!!! (VERY Slow-Burn)
This story is about Will Byers. A boy who has had nothing but pain or disappointment in his life.
Will is quiet, friendly and honest. Like his friends, he is extremely intelligent for his age, has an enthusiasm for science, and is a member of their school's AV Club. He also shows many of the same interests as his friends, such as Dungeons & Dragons, comic books like X-Men, and movies like Ghostbusters. He is also creative and has a passion for art and writing stories. However, his interests and social status have led him to be bullied. This, coupled with his father's previous maltreatment of him, led Will on a long journey of fears, insecurities, emotions he believed were wrong, and finally an acceptance toward himself and his feelings for his best friend, Mike Wheeler.
From the story (indefinite chapter):
Then the sensation enveloped me. A cold chill ran down my neck and slid all over my body. It was close, I could feel it. All my organs jumped into my throat and I stopped breathing. I tried to calm down, but the best I could do was gasp. My bones froze and I got goose bumps.
«It's been a long time, Will.»
No no no!
Please pull me out...
«If you say that you are mine...-I began to whisper with difficulty-I'll be here 'til the end of time.
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go...»
«Your music won't do you any good here.»
And there he was.