In the mystical realm of Eldorium, two distinct civilizations unfold beneath the vast expanse of sky. The grounded territories, known as Haldoria, are inhabited by resilient humans, while the majestic floating cities of Aeolara house the winged humans who soar above. Centuries ago, Haldoria and Aeolara thrived in symbiotic harmony until a fateful betrayal marred their history. A human, driven by insatiable ambition, sought the powers that were gifted by the spirits unto those with wings. This individual, once a trusted friend to the winged, committed a heinous act in the pursuit of dominion. The betrayer struck down their winged companion, severing wings from the body in a ruthless bid for supremacy. The wings, ethereal and radiant, dissolved into nothingness upon separation, leaving behind only ashes carried by the wind. The dissipated essence served as a haunting harbinger, warning other winged beings across Eldoriu of the impending threat. The tragic incident plunged both realms into a bitter feud. Haladoria and Aeolara became sworn enemies, and the once-shared dream of unity transformed into a nightmare of vendetta, with each side nursing deep wounds and harboring a profound mistrust. Haldoria, marked by sprawling landscapes and fortified cities, became a bastion of human resilience. The betrayal etched scars in the land and the hearts of its people, fueling a determination to safeguard against the perceived threat from above. Aeolara, suspended in the skies, boasts floating islands and soaring citadels where the winged grapple with the actions of the past. Divisions arise among them - those who seek revenge for their kind, those who are blinded with bloodlust, and those who embrace the newfound energy bestowed upon those worthy.