Summary: In the year 2024, a new generation of students enters Shirokin High School, following in the footsteps of their legendary predecessors. The story revolves around Yuki Kumiko, the granddaughter of the infamous Yankumi, who has taken up the role of the new homeroom teacher for Class 3-D. Yuki Kumiko is determined to carry on her grandmother's legacy and protect her students from the troubles that await them. However, she soon realizes that being a teacher is not as easy as it seems. With a class full of rebellious and mischievous students, Yuki Kumiko must find a way to earn their trust and guide them towards a brighter future. As the story unfolds, Yuki Kumiko forms unexpected friendships and faces various challenges, both inside and outside the classroom. Along the way, she discovers her own strengths and learns valuable life lessons from her students. Together, they navigate through the ups and downs of high school life, all while upholding the spirit of the GokuSen family. Join Yuki Kumiko and her students on an exciting journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the determination to overcome any obstacle that comes their way. Will they be able to live up to the legacy of the previous GokuSen generations? Find out in "GokuSen: The Next Generation"!Public Domain