In the heart of a city cloaked in shadows, two legendary thieves, Evander and Seraphina, are drawn back from retirement for one final heist. The Underground Haven, a sanctuary for rogues where honor is measured in audacious thefts, becomes the stage for a clash with their rival gang, the Circle of Tyrants. As tensions escalate, the enigmatic overseer, Vellichor, unveils a mysterious challenge, setting the thieves on a quest for a heist that could redefine their legacies. In a symphony of shadows, the city awaits the crescendo of a duel between legends, where the lines between honor and deception blur, and the heist of heists begins.
Ash Ketchum has finished the world championship, but that also means he's closer to be a pokemon master.
He already continue his adventure after his depart with Goh and Chloe, but he also already finished his other adventure.
Ash don't know what to do after beating the championship, but it looks like Delia able to step ahead and give Ash something to do: a School life.
The story will be having Ash in Pokemon Horizon, but i'll try to make Ash character better in this story
Also Ash and Liko are 10 years old cuz some people in discord sat i should add it in description.