@Translated with non-commercial permission from the author.
Summary: Takemichi once again returns to the past to save his friends. However, the fate of this return is operating strangely, beyond his control.
Note from Au. Nemo288ntt:
- The context is based on chapter 204 and earlier, so some plot points from the author after chapter 204 will not be used in this fic (I will use them if they fit the pre-prepared storyline).
- The story follows the original plot but not entirely; some events have been changed, and it will diverge even further from the original plot later on.
- Out of Character (OOC).
- Includes Original Characters (OC).
- Contains elements for 18+ audiences (I am hesitant about explicit content, but providing a warning in advance).
- There may be spelling mistakes, so if readers notice any, please remind me, and I will correct them later; don't be too strict.
- I write for entertainment and joy, so if you happen to come by and leave comments or opinions, I appreciate it. Please maintain a positive and respectful attitude, both towards the writer and the characters.
* The story has been written and posted on Mangatoon since September 2021. It's only recently been posted on Wattpad in February 2022. The reason is that I was concerned about explicit content not being allowed on Mangatoon.
* I don't follow a schedule; I post as soon as I finish writing, so the release time for chapters may be irregular.
Enjoy reading, and thanks for stopping by.
Note from me, Ally Tao:
"English is not my native language, so my sentences may differ from the original version. If there are any mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, or expression, please let me know so I can improve. Thanks for your understanding. Feel free to share your feelings while reading, and I'll pass them on to the author. Much love to all who stopped by. Enjoy the reading!"