What is the description for cheating? - cheat, cozen, defraud, swindle mean to get something by dishonesty or deception. cheat suggests using trickery that escapes observation. What describes a cheater? - a person who has a secret sexual relationship with someone who is not their husband, wife, or usual sexual partner: Emma found out her boyfriend was a cheater. How can you explain cheating? - What Is Cheating? Cheating, also known as infidelity, is when a person in a monogamous romantic relationship has an emotional or sexual relationship with someone else without their partner's consent. Infidelity, however, doesn't have a one-size-fits-all definition. I am sure a most of people who are in a relationship have tried cheating on their partner. And most of people who have been cheated on have questions that once entered their mind and somehow never had a chance to asked this. I listed questions and let a cheater answer them. We will know the two different answer from the cheater who is sorry and from the cheater who were never sorry.Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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