In a bleak future, humanity faces a somber existence. Through the ages, humans have undergone numerous evolutionary transformations, from Hominids to Homo Sapiens. However, the technological leaps of the future give rise to two distinct new classifications of humans, establishing a societal hierarchy. At the base of this hierarchy are the "Gifted," individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities and traits at the expense of their mental stability. The majority of the population remains as Homo Sapiens, occupying the middle tier as ordinary people. At the pinnacle are the "Binders," a rare and elite group incapable of wielding destructive powers. Instead, they possess the unique ability to perform rituals that bind the Gifted, granting them control over these individuals' abilities. This division sows the seeds of animosity and conflict between the two groups. The narrative follows "Jaden," a Binder who assembles a team of controlled eccentrics, bound to his command, to combat unlawful activities in his jurisdiction, under directives from his noble superiors. This work is the sole creation of the author, encompassing everything from the initial concept and writing to illustration and execution. All rights reserved. Redistribution of this content without the explicit permission of the author is strictly prohibited.
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