The protagonist of this story, Her name is Fumiko Yamamoto, she is a simple, witty and cheerful girl who loves the simple things that life offers her.
But above all her is a lover of comics, anime, TV series and superheroes, in short, a great nerd.
Together with her faithful friend, sister Emma Suzuki, they have been frequenting this comic shop for some time.
Where they have interesting meetings and the people were immediately friendly and nice above all, the owner's name is Iwan Sakkyoku.
And this is where the beauty comes in, right from the start she began to feel an indescribable attraction for him.
A full-blown, unexpected love at first sight, the kind that doesn't happen often, and she is shocked but happy at the same time.
But happiness is short-lived when she discovers that he is engaged and from there, her world will be turned upside down forever.
~It's the story of a real crush, but alas, it never came true and never will.
But will it be in this story?
Hopefully, who knows folks,
you'll find out by reading..~
~Folks, translate the cast of characters and go and see the story in Italian~🙏🙏
~🌸Translated into English🌸~