In a story that will span over 200 years through different cities and realms, the intricate tapestry of fate unfolds against the backdrop of Baldur's Gate. Astarion begins in this tale as a 34 year old student of law with aspirations of becoming a magistrate. Yet he unexpectedly becomes embroiled in the complex machinations of Bhaal, the Lord of Murder. As Bhaal's plan slowly unravels through his beloved daughter, Lady Seraphina, a Bhaalspawn with a destiny so great she is yet to comprehend, the lines between ally and enemy blur. Mastering the arts of seduction and manipulation under Bhaal's influence, Seraphina commits acts of violence and depravity from the Dark Urges within. With a direct command from her father, she draws the unwitting mortal Astarion into her web. Yet things are not as easy as they seem, with twists and turns, filled with deception, betrayal, and the looming threat of the gods, Seraphina and Astarion's lives become intertwined, in ways they could neither imagine nor foresee.
13 parts