Kyo Kaneko, first year student at the Iluna Institute and, ironically enough, part of a small group of students called Iluna, consisting of himself, Maria Marionette, Aster Arcadia, Aia Amare, Ren Zotto, and Scarle Yonaguni. Despite that though, he usual keeps to himself, as whenever they want him to hang out with them, he either tells them he's busy or he has plans. It's not just them too, a couple of others, either in the same year or a year or two above, would often want him to hang out with them as well. Yet, he always keeps to himself, as he doesn't like getting attached much.
Then one day, he decided to log on to a game, a game that he got to beta-test before it released, Sword Art Online, a VRMMO. Ever since the beta, SAO was the only thing on his mind, as he couldn't wait to fully play the game. So, when he turned down an invitation for a hangout to play the game, he ended up being stuck in the exact same game he's been waiting for. Now Kyo, along with a bunch of other players, is fighting for his life to escape the death game and return to the real world.
Meet Akari, one of the former beta-testers for Sword Art
Online. After reentering the game, she along with several other people find out that they are trapped inside. After a while, she meets Asuna and Kirito, along with her childhood friend, Sachi.
This is about the adventures she encounters with her friends
in Sword Art Online.
How will she attempt to escape and end the game?
What will be the ending of this story?
~Another Sword Art Online fanfiction~